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Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’

Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ 2024

Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ for Beginner.

Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ (What is ?)

Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ :मराठी व्याकरणाचा एक आवश्यक घटक म्हणजे सर्वनाम. जेव्हा सर्वनाम संज्ञांच्या जागी वापरले जातात तेव्हा त्यांचा अर्थ विशेषणाप्रमाणेच व्यक्त केला जातो. सर्वनामांची संज्ञा न होता अर्थ संप्रेषण करण्याची क्षमता हे त्यांच्या मुख्य वैशिष्ट्यांपैकी एक आहे. मराठीत सर्वनामांचे वर्गीकरण पुल्लिंगी, स्त्रीलिंगी किंवा नपुंसक असे केले जाऊ शकते. हे सर्वनाम अनुक्रमे एखाद्या व्यक्तीचे, वस्तूचे किंवा ठिकाणाचे स्थान किंवा स्थिती दर्शवतात. ते वापरतात आणि सर्वनामांची समान संख्या असते.

1. What is a noun in Marathi?

A noun in Marathi is called “संज्ञा” . It is a word that denotes a person, place, thing, or idea.


  • पुस्तक (Pustak) – book
  • महाराष्ट्र (Maharashtra) – Maharashtra
  • विद्या (Vidya) – knowledge

2. How are nouns classified in Marathi?

Nouns in Marathi can be classified into various categories based on gender, number, and case.


  • Gender: मुलगा (Mulga) – boy (masculine), मुलगी (Mulgi) – girl (feminine)
  • Number: किताब (Kitab) – book (singular), किताबे (Kitabe) – books (plural)
  • Case: कितीब (Kiteeb) – of the book (genitive case), कितेन (Kiten) – to the book (dative case)

3. How do nouns change for gender in Marathi?

Nouns in Marathi change their forms to indicate gender. For example, the word “शिक्षक” (Shikshak) meaning “teacher” changes to “शिक्षिका” (Shikshika) when referring to a female teacher.


  • स्कूल (School) – school (neutral)
  • स्कूलमाम (Schoolmam) – male school teacher
  • स्कूलमाता (Schoolmata) – female school teacher

4. How do nouns change for number in Marathi?

Nouns in Marathi change forms to indicate singular or plural. Generally, suffixes are added to indicate plurality.

Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ for students.


  • पेंगुळ (Pengul) – ant (singular)
  • पेंगुळं (Pengulan) – ants (plural)

5. How are cases expressed in Marathi nouns?

Marathi nouns change their forms to indicate different grammatical cases. These changes are reflected in suffixes added to the noun stem.

Marathi Grammar 'Pronoun'
Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’


  • घर (Ghar) – house (nominative case)
  • घराचा (Gharacha) – of the house (genitive case)
  • घराला (Gharala) – to the house (dative case)

6. Can you provide examples of compound nouns in Marathi?

Compound nouns in Marathi are formed by combining two or more words to create a new meaning.


  • आकाशपथ (Aakashpath) – skyway (आकाश + पथ)
  • विद्यालय (Vidyala) – school (विद्या + आलय)
  • धनंजय (Dhananjay) – a personal name (धन + अंजय)

These examples showcase the diversity and structure of nouns in Marathi, reflecting the rich linguistic heritage of the language.

7. How do Marathi nouns change for case?

Marathi nouns undergo changes to reflect different grammatical cases. These changes typically involve the addition of suffixes or alterations to the noun stem.


  • कार (Kar) – car (nominative case)
  • कारचा (Karacha) – of the car (genitive case)
  • कारला (Karala) – to the car (dative case)
  • कारने (Karne) – by the car (instrumental case)

8. Can you provide examples of animate and inanimate nouns in Marathi?

In Marathi, nouns can be categorized as animate (living) or inanimate (non-living). This classification is important in understanding the language’s grammar.

Examples of animate nouns:

Quality Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’

Marathi Grammar 'Pronoun'
  • माणूस (Manus) – person
  • कुत्रा (Kutra) – dog
  • शिक्षक (Shikshak) – teacher

Examples of inanimate nouns:

  • घर (Ghar) – house
  • पेन (Pen) – pen
  • किताब (Kitab) – book

9. How do Marathi nouns change for possession?

Marathi nouns change forms to indicate possession, typically by adding possessive suffixes to the noun stem.


  • माझा घर (Mazha ghar) – my house
  • तुझं कार (Tujha car) – your car
  • त्याची किताब (Tyachi kitab) – his/her book

10. Can you give examples of proper nouns in Marathi?

Proper nouns in Marathi refer to specific names of people, places, organizations, etc. They are typically capitalized.


  • शिवाजी महाराज (Shivaji Maharaj) – Shivaji Maharaj (historical figure)
  • मुंबई (Mumbai) – Mumbai (city)
  • आईटी संपादक (IT Sampadak) – IT Editor (organization)

These examples further illustrate the various aspects and nuances of Marathi nouns, highlighting their role in communication and expression within the language.

11. How do Marathi nouns change for plurality?

Quality Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ how change that part see.

Marathi nouns modify their forms to indicate whether they are singular or plural. Plural forms are often created by adding specific suffixes to the noun stem.


  • कोडी (Kodi) – chicken (singular)
  • कोडीं (Kodim) – chickens (plural)
  • गाडी (Gadi) – car (singular)
  • गाड्या (Gadya) – cars (plural)

12. How are diminutive forms of nouns formed in Marathi?

Diminutive forms in Marathi are used to convey smallness or affection and are often formed by adding suffixes or altering the noun stem.


  • पुस्तक (Pustak) – book
  • पुस्तकी (Pustaki) – small book
  • चणा (Chana) – chickpeas
  • चणी (Chani) – small amount of chickpeas

13. Can you provide examples of collective nouns in Marathi?

Collective nouns in Marathi refer to groups of people, animals, or things. They are singular in form but denote a collection of entities.


  • झुंबड (Jhumbad) – crowd
  • परिवार (Parivar) – family
  • संघ (Sangh) – association or organization

14. How do Marathi nouns change for vocative case?

The vocative case in Marathi is used to directly address someone or something. Nouns change forms to indicate this case.


  • बाबा (Baba) – father
  • बाबा (Baba) – O father!
  • मित्र (Mitra) – friend
  • मित्रा (Mitra) – O friend!

15. Can you provide examples of abstract nouns in Marathi?

Abstract nouns in Marathi refer to qualities, ideas, or concepts rather than tangible objects.


Quality Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ example.

  • प्रेम (Prem) – love
  • शांतता (Shantata) – peace
  • स्वतंत्रता (Swatantrata) – freedom

These additional examples further elucidate the diverse nature of Marathi nouns, showcasing their flexibility and significance in the language.

Marathi Grammar ‘Pronoun’ for all type of exams. so, read carefully.

16. How do Marathi nouns change for gender-specific professions?

In Marathi, like in many languages, nouns for professions can change based on the gender of the person performing the job.


  • डॉक्टर (Doctor) – doctor (masculine)
  • डॉक्टरेस (Doctores) – doctor (feminine)
  • अध्यापक (Adhyapak) – teacher (masculine)
  • अध्यापिका (Adhyapika) – teacher (feminine)

17. How do Marathi nouns change for possession in the plural form?

When expressing possession with plural nouns in Marathi, the possessive suffixes are added to the pluralized form of the noun.


  • आमचे घर (Aamche ghar) – our house (singular)
  • आमच्या घरां (Aamchya ghara) – our houses (plural)
  • तुमचे कार (Tumche kar) – your car (singular)
  • तुमच्या कारां (Tumchya kara) – your cars (plural)

18. How do Marathi nouns change when used in possessive constructions with pronouns?

Marathi nouns change forms when used in possessive constructions with pronouns, typically by adding specific possessive suffixes to the noun stem.


  • त्याचं घर (Tyach ghar) – his/her house
  • आपलं कार (Aapal kar) – our car
  • तुझं पुस्तक (Tujha pustak) – your book

19. Can you provide examples of compound nouns formed with prefixes in Marathi?

Compound nouns in Marathi can also be formed by adding prefixes to existing words, creating new meanings.


  • उद्यानगृह (Udyanagruh) – greenhouse (उद्यान + गृह)
  • प्राथमिकशाळा (Prathamikshala) – primary school (प्राथमिक + शाळा)

20. How do Marathi nouns change for location or direction?

Marathi nouns change forms when indicating location or direction, often by adding specific suffixes or altering the noun stem.


  • आधीचा घर (Adhicha ghar) – the house over there
  • दक्षिणेच्या दिशेला (Dakshinechya dishela) – towards the south

These additional examples further illustrate the various ways Marathi nouns can change forms and adapt to different contexts, enriching the language’s expression and communication.


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